FE A65.2 DP FE A65.2 DP

FE A65.2 DP

Fimap FE A65.2 DP is an injection-extraction model for the deep-down cleaning of fabric surfaces. It's equipped with two motors that are independently activated by two separate buttons. The water and detergent solution is sprayed deep down into the fibres of the fabric, and immediately vacuumed off together with the dirt. The powerful, immediate vacuum guarantees quick drying. The 3-metre hose and manual nozzle make it easy to use inside cars, arriving in even the points that are most difficult to reach.

It is recommended for use in the automotive sector, for cleaning the upholstery in cars, and the HoReCa sector.



-    2 two-stage motors
-    Injection-extraction model with a wet & dry vacuum cleaner function too
-    A dual filtering system is used to remove the dust, with a fabric filter and a foam one for the float
-    65-litre steel tank
-    Hose for quickly draining off liquids
-    2 fixed rear wheels and 2 pivoting front wheels to facilitate movements
-    25-litre detergent tank (external)
-    Set of accessories Ø40


Technical data


Numero Verde

FIMAP spa certified with
ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
SA 8000:2014, ISO 14067:2018
ReMade in Italy, ISO 14064-1:2018

Fimap S.p.A.
Via Invalidi del Lavoro, 1
37059 S.Maria di Zevio - Verona - ITALY
Tel. +39 045 6060411

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